
Green lung by Invernizzi S.P.A.


Green lung by Invernizzi S.P.A.

The Invernizzi family has always preferred poplar as its only raw material.
A proof of the INVERNIZZI SPA awareness towards the issues of environmental protection are its FSC® (LICENCE KEY FSC-C100260) and PEFC forestry certification, obtained by the family-owned poplar cultivations.
All this in the belief that the rational and responsible management of poplar cultivation contributes to ensuring its sustainability in full respect of social, environmental and economic balances.

As proof of this, since the early 2000s, the Invernizzi family has destined the poplar production of the family-owned farm, Azienda Agricola “Maria Luisa Rosseghini” by Giorgio Invernizzi C. SS. Agr. to its own industrial production, thus becoming the “green lung” of a short and highly sustainable production chain. 

The farm runs about 200 hectares, consisting of poplar plantations located in the Province of Mantua, Parma and Cremona.

The poplar growing meets the criteria of responsible forest management, according to the FSC® chain of custody which also enhances the resulting ecosystem services, such as those related to biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration and storage, soil conservation and recreational services.

As a further evidence of its willingness to comply with the FSC® certification standards and as an admirable example of responsible poplar growing, the farm Azienda Agricola “Maria Luisa Rosseghini”, in collaboration with INVERNIZZI SPA, former sponsor of the park, signed in 2018 an agreement with the public authority Oglio Sud Regional Park with the aim of meeting the requirement of the minimum area to be allocated to the network of natural conservation areas. This agreement, called Ecopay Connect 2020, provides that the farm undertakes to requalify some surface areas through specific interventions agreed upon with the park, thus designating that surface as “Representative Area”. This agreement has generated benefits not only on the environmental level, but also at socio-economic level, ensuring a constant supply of certified material for the local chain of transformation of FSC® certified poplar by INVERNIZZI SPA.

This agreement is a source of great pride both for Azienda Agricola “Maria Luisa Rosseghini” and for INVERNIZZI SPA, as it is a further proof of the Invernizzi family attention and commitment towards the protection of the environmental heritage and the entire local community.

In addition, the company can boast also the chain of custody certification according to the PEFC European standard, guaranteeing a correct and responsible poplar growing within the medium and long term.