


Plywood production process

INVERNIZZI’s production process originates from poplar logs coming from the surrounding fields of harvest and from other sources, mainly based in Northern Italy. The logs are stored in different lengths on the company courtyard, then they are debarked and enter the production process with the peeling phase.

There are three peeling machines, size 3300 mm, 2700 mm and 2000 mm working on three shifts from Monday to Friday.

The resulting veneers are then cut into shape and then enter the second production phase, the drying.

Once dried, the veneers are sorted out for the panels to be produced according to their thickness and enter the panel production phase of gluing. The glue mixture (mainly urea-based polymer + hardener) is spreaded over the veneers, which are then overlapped manually by operators in a perpendicular pattern.

The panels are then pressed at high temperature and then they are squared and trimmed to the final marketable dimensions.

The panels enter the finishing line through the sanding process. They are then labelled according to the desired quality, packed and stored into the loading warehouse, ready to be shipped to their final destinations.


Invernizzi “Tuttopioppo” particleboard panels are produced exclusively with residues of virgin poplar wood that is processed inside the company for plywood production, thus following a circular production pattern.

Poplar branches, barks and cuts-off of poplar veneers are collected and transported to a grinding machine equipped with sieves to collect particles in different granulometry.

The resulting grinded particles, also called chips, are then dried in dedicated silos. Subsequently, the chips in different sizes are collected separately and transported via conveyors to the gluing basin, where they are mixed with a urea based resin.

Before getting to the press, all the chips are spreaded in a forming bed, where the outer sides are composed of smaller chips and the inner of thicker ones. The forming bed accounts for the whole length of the press, i.e. 11,16 meters, it then enters the press chamber.

The high pressing temperature and the applied pressure allow the forming bed to reach the desired thickness of the finished panels. The resulting full board is then cut directly at the press output according to the specified lenghts, which can be 4180 mm, 3720 mm and 2790 mm.

The panels enter the finishing line to be squared and sanded.

The last phase of the production line is the quality selection.

The panels are then labelled, packed and stored into the loading warehouse, ready to be shipped to their final destinations.