the poplar

Directly from nature, an extraordinary material with thousand potentialities

the poplar

Directly from nature, an extraordinary material with thousand potentialities

Poplar means sustainable economic development and employment recovery for the entire supply chain involved, from the agroforestry system that produces raw materials, up to the reality of processing and transformation. if cultivated according to the traditional 10-12 year rotations, it produces top quality wood, with highly performing physical and mechanical characteristics in the most disparate fields of application.


Poplar fully represents the flagship for industrial production: from the field to wood, up to derivatives, poplar plywood and chipboard express very high quality as taught by Italian tradition, luxury furniture, paper, structural materials for construction and interiors, to name just a few areas in which poplar has always been appreciated.


The poplar connects environment and productiveness like no other wood raw material

…because it favours agriculture

Sustainable economic development, productive diversification and therefore integration to the business income. The poplar growing generates so many new economic and occupational opportunities for the farms that it can be considered an entrepreneurial high-value-choice.

Poplar grows quickly (ten-year-cycles) and is the only real wood resource on which a solid base for the future purchase of raw material for wood, furniture and paper industry can be built. Poplar needs less water than other cultures, such as corn, and this aspect is extremely relevant if we consider the problems connected to the global climate changes. Besides, poplar is resistant to illnesses and dryness, it grows without problems in association with other species, gives high quality wood for the processing industry, produces organic combustible for energy and represents the most advanced form of wood culture.

….because it helps the environment

AIR: like any other fast growing specie, poplar can depurate air, taking away from the atmosphere from 70 to 140 litres carbonic anhydride every hour and giving back to the atmosphere the same quantity of oxygen. The storage function of carbon (Carbon sink) is performed also after the transformation of the wood in a finished product. 

WATER: poplar can distil the water it absorbs from the soil and, thanks to the transpiration, it can give water back to the atmosphere completely purified. Besides, poplar is employed in the construction of wood tampon stripes on agricultural soils close to water streams, built in order to favour the absorption of nitrates and prevent the water eutrophication.

SOILAND AND LADSCAPE: a further “environmental merit” of the poplar is the function of containment of soil erosion and of desertification, of increasing of the biodiversity and of landscape improvement.

...because it a renewable source

Poplar “means” renewable energy. It surely is one of the most performing dedicated arboreal species, because it optimizes more than other species the productive performance of biomasses, that will be used to produce electric and thermic energy. Both on the qualitative and qualitative side.


Poplar is a symbol of environmental protection, meant as improvement of the air and water quality, increasing of the biodiversity and of the natural habitats and because it is a renewable and non-climate-changing renewable energy source.


The most important effect of cultivated forests such as poplar forests, is the possibility they give to limit the exploitation of natural or primary forests, contributing this way to their conservation and succeeding to meet the international market requirements for wood products at the same time.

…because is an excellent material

If the raw material is a top quality one also its derivate products are top quality ones. If then, the raw material can be used for several applications, we are surely talking about poplar wood, cultivated following the traditional cultivation method. Nowadays, also thanks to the selection of genetically superior clones and to the development of processing techniques, whose goal is the improvement of its “natural” points of force, the poplar wood is the mainstay of the plywood industry, that it supplies with an excellent raw material. It also plays a very important role in luxury furniture sector and in the paper industry.


Poplar is an homogeneous, light and multifunctional wood. Besides it is easy to process and very resistant to loads and this last characteristic makes it extremely efficient if used as structural element in alternative to other materials.